Dear Friends,
It is with a sense of gratitude that we write to you. Your generosity has helped us further the educational mission of the Church in our community.
As you know, our Catholic schools in the New Ulm area have formed students in faith and knowledge for over 150 years. Throughout this rich history, the legacy of Catholic education was solidly built upon the foundation of support of those who have sacrificed in the past to assure that our schools would meet the learning needs of generations of students.
We are at a critical point in the history of the New Ulm Area Catholic Schools as the Cathedral High School building, which opened its doors to students seventy years ago, needs significant infrastructure updates to continue to meet the learning needs of our students. We are undertaking a major fundraising effort: Building Our Faith, Our Community, and Our Future to address the needs of our school facilities so we may provide a quality Catholic education for the students of our community for generations to come.
There are several components to our master plan, and this campaign is aimed at raising the funds needed to complete our first phase. We encourage you to read through the website and the case statement you received for more information regarding our master plan and the immediate path forward for the New Ulm Area Catholic Schools. A successful campaign will allow us to set the stage for the future growth of our schools.
We hope you will consider investing in this campaign and the future of Catholic education in New Ulm. Our generous giving not only goes a long way to support our school, but it also demonstrates our love for God. While we can never outdo God in generosity, we are confident that our entire community will generously respond to the needs of our schools to ensure the success of this campaign.
Blessings in Christ,
Sr. Julie Brandt, SSND, Ed.D, Rev. Mark Steffl, Pastor